My Goals

I’m a month into this journey of developing my skill as a photographer, and I’m excited to report that I am beginning to believe that I can successfully pursue this job.

In my last post, I mentioned some of the things that I believe photography is good for. I’ve pondered a lot about what my motivations could be for starting a photography business since pondering the point of photography. Doing so has allowed me to discover who I am and what I really value.

Some of my goals are:

To capture the beauty in different types of people; they need to get the message that they really are beautiful.

To preserve the truth of a moment.

To uncover people’s spirits and the special way they make me and all of their loved ones feel.

To help people feel comfortable enough around me that they are willing to open up and share their beauty, their special moments, and their spirits.

Join me in this journey.


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